Saturday, June 2, 2007

Jack fruit seed kulambu

I simply love jackfruits...the very sight of that fruit makes me happier.I have the beautiful memories of having jackfruit with honey and jaggery with my amma(mom) and paati(grand ma) in the olungai at our home back in srivilliputtur.Olungai is the pathway that connects the hall and the backyard.When the jackfruit season is over,we used to eat the roasted and steamed palaakkottai(jackfruit seed) seasoned with salt and chilli powder.It was a delicious and filling snack.My Paati loves jackfruit too.But she used to say she had left it in kaasi(varanasi-a holy city in northern india).Some people say that if someone can leave three things they love so much in kaasi(they should never touch them again),they are strong enough and good things will happen to aid their strong will.
Well,coming to the point,palaakottai kulambu is one thing i love.The seed is not sweet like the fruit and it has its own unique taste which combined with the tamarind and seasonings give a good flavor.I really wanted to participate in JFI-jackfruit and i did try to find a jackfruit.Wherever i find the word grocery i marched right inside and asked about jackfruit.I even tried the produce market and the fruit has been sold out.Maybe i didnt try enough.
Anyhow,I patted myself with a "better luck next time" and determined to post an article.Here it is ....without a photo.
Here is the palaaakottai kulambu recipe,
Take 9-10 jackfruit seeds,slightly roast them.Boil one and half cups of light tamarind water along with sambhar powder,the jackfruit seeds,salt,turmeric and asafoetida.After 5 minutes of boiling,remove from fire.
Thiruppumaruvathu/thaalipathu are the prevailing words for seasoning in tamil.
Well for thiruppumaara/thaalikka,take mustard seeds,bengal gram ,black gram seeds,a pinch of fenugreek seeds,asafoetida,4-5 dry chillies and curry leaves.
Heat oil and add the ingredients in order and put them in the kulambu.Boil for a minute.
Here is the palaakottai kulambu.


bee said...

hema, so sorry that you couldn't find a jackfruit. hope you can take part in the next installment of jihva.


Hema said...

Thank you,bee.Its okay...dont feel sorry:)

Anonymous said...

You write very well.